Uniquely Positioned to Aid Vaccine Distribution

Doses of a COVID-19 vaccine
With many states struggling to meet minimum vaccine roll-out goals, governments should seek creative solutions and partner with companies that are already in the field providing healthcare.  

South Carolina House Calls (SCHC), the largest in-home medical provider in the state, is uniquely positioned to vaccinate many of our state's most vulnerable residents. With nearly 300 providers serving all 46 Counties and a monthly call volume of over 30,000 visits, the company could vaccinate many of these same patients on regular visits. The ability of SCHC medical professionals to see patients in their homes has opened healthcare access for thousands of residents who otherwise might not have seen a provider. 

The added logistics of providing a second dose within a required timeframe adds a scheduling complexity to the equation. The SCHC Center for Telemedicine's scheduling component, keeping track of first dose patients, could be programmed with reminder ticklers for scheduling the second dose on a rolling basis to ensure vaccine time requirements are met. 

Many of the patients of SCHC have either been recently discharged from the hospital or have chronic conditions. These same patients often struggle with transportation or physical mobility issues, precluding them from regular office visits. The elderly and rural populations in SC are typically underserved when it comes to healthcare, making vaccinations that much more difficult using traditional methods. 

SC House Calls is a network of nearly 300 medical professionals providing In-home medical house calls and Telehealth visits to Private Residences, Assisted Living Communities, and Skilled Nursing Facilities. SC House Calls serves all 46 Counties of South Carolina. New patient registration, appointments, and 24-7 access to medical professionals is available through its Center for Telehealth @ 800-491-0909      

“Oh my Gosh, I’m going to have to take Dad to the Emergency Room!”


South Carolina Vaccination Progress