South Carolina & Georgia House Calls Rolls out Chronic Care Management (Part Two - The Team)

A nurse checks-up on an older man
 The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recognizes Chronic Care Management (CCM) as a critical component of primary care contributing to a patient's better overall health. CMS believes the proactive approach of CCM keeps patients healthier while avoiding costlier medical services in the future. The non-face-to-face visits provided by South Carolina & Georgia House Calls (SC&GA HC) for patients enrolled in the CCM program allow practitioners to connect with their patients more regularly. This consistency of care helps patients to remain in compliance with care plans and enables providers to address any healthcare concerns quickly.

Eliminating Healthcare Barriers:
SC & GA HC, through The Center for Telemedicine and their team of in-house medical specialists, continue to break down healthcare access barriers for South Carolina & Georga residents. The company's new CCM program that targets patients with two or more chronic diseases are an example of a proactive approach that provides a customized care level for each patient.

Leveraging Technology:
In today's healthcare environment, non-face-to-face visits are instrumental for delivering a proactive level of care like CCM. Smartphones, secure email, web portals, 24-7 patient access, and electronic health records are tools SC & GA HC uses to maintain patient relationships. With virtual care, SC & GA HC can expand its patient base and reach more people in rural and underserved populations.

Patient Compliance:
Patients' that have regular contact with their primary care provider or specialist no longer feel like they must go it alone. The positive experience of partnering in their care creates a more satisfied patient, and higher quality measure scores. A CCM patient tends to be more engaged and more likely to comply with a practitioner's recommendations.

Team Development:
The goal of the CCM program is to help patients with chronic illnesses lead healthier lives by providing a consistent level of care that helps avoid hospitalization and allows for the best possible quality of life. SC & GA HC team of medical professionals and in-house specialists work directly with the patient's onsite practitioners to address the complete patient. Communications, vital sign monitoring, test results, medication management, and any other form of proactive care create an efficient care environment for the patient.

SC House Calls & GA House Calls is a network of over 250 medical professionals providing In-home medical house calls and Telehealth visits to Private Residences, Assisted Living Communities, and Skilled Nursing Facilities. SC House Calls serves all 46 Counties of South Carolina. New patient registration, appointments, and 24-7 access to medical professionals are available through its Center for Telehealth @ 800-491-0909

South Carolina & Georgia House Calls Rolls out Chronic Care Management (Part Three - The Components of Care)


South Carolina & Georgia House Calls Rolls out Chronic Care Management (Part One - Patient Benefits)